Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Should I Merge the Blogs?

I'm considering morphing all my blogs into one.

Currently, I have three. Wait, does my Xanga still count? ;) Or my old, old Xanga with the posts that I privatized? Haha!

  1. The Oh House (formerly known as Two Ohs and a Dog, but now Four Ohs and a Dog live here, and it seems like a lot of work and confusion to update the number of Ohs and/or Dogs as life changes). I started this blog because I wanted a house. I was going to record all the things I wanted in that house, to do to that house, to buy for that house. Basically, I was probably just gonna copy links and ideas from And maybe make some mood boards. I thought it was for dreaming. Then we got pretty impatient, and very cramped, and we bought a house a lot quicker than we originally thought.
  2. The Food Connoissorges. I came up with the name and concept before we were even married. I thought it would be really fun to experiment in the kitchen and write reviews of restaurants. And it is, we just didn't do it much. I'll probably never be a foodie, but I still would like to expand my horizons in the culinary world.
  3. My personal finance blog. This one I won't post the name or URL, because, well it's personal. I love reading personal finance blogs. It's the area that I'd most like to gain knowledge. When I first started (back when we were saving for our house) it was a fantastic place for me to post budgets. Oh, budgets, how I love you.
If I committed to just one blog, I feel like maybe I'd actually commit to it, you know? I've recently started blogging almost daily, but before it was much more sporadic. I'd like to post regularly, so that I have a record of what's going on.

Which brings me to what would I blog about?

Well, it makes the most sense to me to keep The Oh House going. The title really encompasses a lot more than just home design. I could still post about that kind of stuff, but also throw in any cooking or baking I might like to share, and a little about personal finance. Of course, I wouldn't be super specific about finances, because even though my blog name is Mrs Oh, the few people who read this know who I am.

Which then brings me to, should I stay semi-anonymous? Like I said, people know who I am. But if strangers came across my blog, do I care if they know my first name? Do I care if they see pictures of my kid? Do I care if they know what city I live in? I'm really not sure.

I was about to type "If I stick with this blog, should I keep it on Blogger, or move it to Wordpress, or figure out how to put it on my own domain?"...but I just realized, I am sticking with this blog. I might "re-start" it, but The Oh House wins!

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