Monday, April 20, 2009

Macy's Sofa

When Mr Oh and I shopped for a sofa a few months ago, Macy's was out of our price range.

Today we walked through their furniture department after buying a gift for my mom (Mother's Day is coming up soon!), and I saw that one of my favorite sofas was on sale:

Only $599.

Ours was $260, but it's not quite that pretty. Here it is, in it's old spot, right after we bought it:

It's now sitting along another wall, and has a much more fun rug at its feet.

Someday I'll get a new couch. Maybe even a fun "Oasis"-colored couch.
We'll see....

1 comment:

  1. You sound like me when we first got a place I was always looking at couches when we didn't need one. I could always find something I liked. I wouldn't have guessed that was your style it doesn't look very comfortable. I think the one you have looks just fine and comfortable!
